• Episodes

    You Could’ve Had Lunch With Taboo!

    Larry gets grief for passing up lunch with one of the Black Eyed Peas to have lunch with his wife. The catch? His wife was the one giving him grief. Show Summary Our host likes to go with the long odds and he once again rolls the dice that there will be any decent food at the ACE studios — and once again loses. He succumbs one more time to passably edible items at the shop, eating ramen noodles for the first time EVER. A million grams of salt later, he moves on to pie. (Please be polite and feign surprise.) Then Larry talks about his very, very few run-ins…

  • Episodes

    I Love A Buffet And Other Life Lessons

    Buffet, as a concept, is the one thing that ties all Americans together, so says Larry. Also hear how Larry taught his son a valuable life lesson with his favorite instructional tool — a pie. (Who are we kidding? Larry’s favorite everything is a pie.) Larry talks about the lengths he’d go to in order to save his wife’s life and why that answer isn’t good enough for her. Get introduced to the latest food measuring increment. Not the cup, not the liter, but the bucket. Find out why Larry’s great great Grandmother stopped speaking to his great great Grandfather — for 62 years. Larry admits to being lured into…